Tuesday, April 12, 2011

19. An email about concept of audience.

A friend emailed me to give me her standpoint of her conception of audience:

22) When I write status updates, they are at times directed to a narrow group of Facebook friends, who I see offline on a day to day basis. I.e. a kind-of:  "I had a good time when we hung out" or "Can't wait to see you!", when I write what I am doing, or what I am about to do in the near-future.  These updates can be esoteric at times, and when this happens I use tagging. Sometimes it is just outburst, I have to yell out. for those who are inclined to be interested in that.  

Question for 22): Who do you think of, when you make this so called outbursts?

22) No one in particular. I recently wrote an outburst because two boys stood outside my window, taking pictures through the window into my livingroom. It was a kind of "WTF - I just have to tell this to somebody!"  It wasn't directed to anybody in particular. Of course I carry a notion of who will answer, who are the ones I see on a day to day basis, but the status updates are not directed in particular to those people. This random non-directed communication on Facebook is charming, because you communicate to all and no one at the same time, and you only know who you communicated with, when somebody answers. So the answer has to be "no one and everybody". 

Question for 22): How come some of your status updates are in English while other are in Danish? 

22) I rarely execute that. Only within a subject when it makes more sense, or when I am quoting somebody else. The last time I used English was when I stole the mayorship of my apartment from my husband on Foursquare. I quoted what it said in my Foursquare app, when I checked in and become mayor.  :)

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